Tuesday, November 11, 2014

3rd Six Weeks

Week of 12-8-2015
Videos: View and Take Detailed Notes in your Comp Book (Due on Monday 12-8-2014)
Sketching f, f', f"

Optional Videos:
Videos for Extrema's and CPs
Video for Rolle's and MVT

Week of 12-1-2014
  1. Semester Review (Thanksgiving RVW)
  2. Rolles & MVT
  3. Pop Quiz: Rolles, MVT, CP, Absolute, Implicit
  4. f, f', f"
Week of 11-17-2014
  1. No Video
  2. Pop Quiz: NC. 10-18
  3. Implicit Differentiation
Week of 11-11-2014
  1. No Video
  2. Trig Functions in Chain Rule
  3. Chain Rule Packet

Friday, October 3, 2014

2nd Six Weeks

Week of 10-27-2014
1) Videos: View and Take Detailed Notes in your Comp Book (Due on Monday 10-27-2014) Chain Rule

Week of 10-20-2014
1) Videos: View and Take Detailed Notes in your Comp Book (Due on Monday 10-20-2014)  
Product Rule and Quotient Rule

2) Horizontal Tangents, Product Rule, Quotient Rule Worksheets (Due on Monday 10-20-2014)   

Week of 10-13-2014
1) Videos: View and Take Detailed Notes in your Comp Book (Due on Monday 10-13-2014)
 Horizontal and Vertical Tangent Lines
2) Product Rule/Chain Rule

Week of 10-6-2014
1) Videos: View and Take Detailed Notes in your Comp Book (Due on Monday 10-6-2014)
 Differentiability and Continuity
2) Equations of Tangent and Perpendicular lines
3) Quiz- Cumulative Review 5 questions
4) Review Packet/
5) Test!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

1st Six Weeks

Week of 9-22-2014
No Video notes this weekend- Just complete your assignment that is due at the begin of class- Click here for a great read about how to study for calculus.
1) Derivative worksheet
2) Average rate of change Worksheet
3) Slopes of Tangent Lines

Week of 9-15-2014
1) Videos: View and Take Detailed Notes in your Comp Book (Due on Monday 9-15-2014)
Limits of Infinity 
2) Infinite Limits Practice Worksheet 
3) Continuity Worksheet

Week of 9-8-2014
1) Videos: View and Take Detailed Notes in your Comp Book (Due on Monday 9-8-2014) 
Limit Problems with Trig , Part 1
Limit Problems with Trig , Part 2

Week of 9-2-2014
1) Homework Quiz- 3 questions from text-book section 2.1 
2) Worksheet Limits w/ Trig
3) QUIZ trig Review

Week of 8-25-2014
1) Videos: View and Take Detailed Notes in your Comp Book (Due on Tuesday 9-2-2014) 
3) Section 2.1 page 66- 67,  # 15- 20 + 30-44 + 51-54
2) Parent Functions- Glue each Graph in your composition book.
We'll add characteristics like Domain, Range next week.
All of the above from week of 8-25  is due by 9-3-2014

Saturday, March 1, 2014

5th Six Weeks

Monday: 2nd period & After-school
Tuesday: 5th & 6th period & After-school
9:00- 9:55am – 28 M.C. Qs No Calculator
9:57-10:47am–  4  F.R. Qs No Calculator
4:35- 6:00pm- 17 M.C. Qs With Calculator  2 F.R. Qs With Calculator
Week of 4-14-14
  1. Test Review Multiple Choice Q's With Calculator #12-16 + 2 F.R.
  2. 3 Videos:Ap Calculus AB 1998 multiple choice (76-80) and (81-85) and (86-92) 
  3. TEST Monday 4-14-14: 17 Multiple Choice Q's + 4 Free Response Q's With Calculator
Week of 4-7-14
  1. AP Free Response Q's with Calculator on Volumes
  2. Fall Exam Review #1-30 + 2 F.R.
  3. AP Multiple Choice Q's No-Calculator #1-11
  4. AP Mock Exam Practice Multiple Choice Q's No-Calculator #1-28

AP CALCULUS  Prep Session December 14, 2013Adamson High School  201 E 9th St, Dallas, TX 75203 (972) 749-1400
Session 1: 9:00 – 10:10

Session 2: 10:15 – 11:25

Lunch: 11:30 – 11:55

Session 3: 12:00 – 1:10
Session 4: 1:15 – 2:20
5 points for each session! Week of 3-31-14
  1. Free Response Question Presentation (Project Grade)
  2. Review Packet Pages #5-10 Due Monday 3-31
Week of 3-24-14
  1. Video: Disc method around y-axis  Due Tuesday 3-25
  2. Video: Volume of Revolution Due Tuesday 3-25
  3. Volumes from Rotations Packet Due Tuesday 3-25 BEGINING OF CLASS- 9 problems in all A,B, and C on all 3 pages. (The rest of the packet due at end of class)
  4. Free Response Question Presentation (Project Grade)
  5. Review Packet Pages #1-4 Due Thursday 3-27
Week of 3-17-14
  1. Spg-Brk. Review Packet #18 - #24 Due Monday 3-17
  2. Areas Between Curves #1,2,3,4 (Show All Work) and #6,8,13(Show set up)Due Wed 3-19

Week of 3-3-14
VERBAL TEST: Index Cards.
  1. Video: Riemann Sums (AP Calculus Review for Quiz)
  2. Riemann Sums Packet
  3. Pop Quiz on F.R.Q. AB/BC Calculus
Week of 2-24-14
  1. U- Substitution Packet 1/ #1-36 All
  2. U- Substitution Wk-sheet 2/ #1-33 Odds Only
  3. Graph Analysis Wk-sheet
  4. Slope Fields Packet


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

4th Six Weeks

Week of 2-18-14
  1. VERBAL TEST: Index Cards for Sin and Cos and Derivative Rules.
  2. Video: Due Tuesday 2-18-14
Week of 2-10-14
  1. VERBAL TEST: Index Cards for Sin and Cos and Derivative Rules.
  2. Definite Integrals Worksheet #11-36 all
  3. Pop Quiz- Graphs of g(x)=areas and f(x), derivatives of g(x)
  4. FTC and Average Value Notes/Worksheet Due Tuesday 2-18-14
  5. AB/AP Free Response Questions on FTC Due Tuesday 2-18-14
Week of 2-3-14
  1. F.T.C. 2. Worksheet #1-15 All. Due Monday 2-3-2014
  2. VERBAL TEST: Index Cards for Sin and Cos and Derivative Rules.
  3. F.T.C. Worksheet #1-13
  4. Review / Exam
  5. Exam 4th Six Weeks

Week of 1-27-14
  1. Test / Take-Home Due Tuesday 1-28-2014
  2. VERBAL TEST: Index Cards for Derivative Rules.
  3. New Cards added for verbal test.
  4. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Worksheet Due Thursday 1-30-2014

Week of 1-20-14
  1. VERBAL TEST: Index Cards for Derivative Rules.
  2. Section 5-2, 5-3 pg.283 #13-22 + #29-56 + pg.290 #1-6
  3. Worksheet LS#4-1:Antiderivatives #1-15 all
  4. In class Assignment on Integrals
  5. Test / Take-Home Due Tuesday 1-28-2014

Week of 1-13-14
  1. Finish Notes #5 +#6
  2. VERBAL TEST: Index Cards (22) for Derivative Rules.
  3. Video: Due Monday 1-13-14
   4. Section 3-8 pg.170 #2-28 Evens - Due Wed 1-15-14
   5. Notes: Derivatives of Inverses: Due Wed 1-15-14

Week of 1-7-14
  1. Section 4-2 Pg. 202 #1-21 Odds SHOW ALL WORK!
  2. Index Cards (22) for Derivative Rules.
  3. Video: extra Credit